Investment advisory

Investment advisory is one of the main areas we offer as part of our financial advisory services. We help clients maximize their assets and achieve financial goals through individual investment plans and strategies.

Our wealth management strategy emphasizes wealth protection, which means we do not invest speculatively or time markets. Instead, we focus on long-term and predictable growth that can withstand various unfavorable scenarios. In addition, we ensure consistent diversification of assets as a whole and a solution-oriented approach, to work towards achieving our goals with a certain probability.

On the other hand, we do not label all clients into one group. Each client has a different risk profile, financial background, experience, and interests - all of which we try to incorporate into the investment approach.

  • Analysis of financial goals, mapping of current financial and asset situation
  • Proposal of an investment strategy based on the financial plan
  • Compilation of investment portfolio
  • Selection of suitable products and investment partners
  • Regular reporting and portfolio management
  • Option for rebalancing, currency hedging, and portfolio reallocation
  • Education in investment to better manage emotions during portfolio fluctuations

We believe that our investment advisory can help clients to achieve their financial goals and increase the overall value of their assets. And what is important, we offer it at competitive prices, so our services are available to as many people as possible.

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+420 603 533 002
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Vaše finanční cíle jsou naší prioritou.

Pobočka Hodonín
Velkomoravská 5, 695 01 Hodonín
Pobočka praha
Londýnská 730/59, 120 00 Vinohrady, Praha
IČO: 19156839
O nás
Ceník služeb
Jsem vázaným zástupce společnosti In Investments a.s., se sídlem K Moravině 1871/7, 190 00, Praha 9, IČ: 03002578 a INSIA a.s., Atrium Flora - vchod A, Vinohradská 2828/151, 130 00 Praha 3, IČ 48034479
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